Kathy Kear is a professional writer and the owner of The Horse Emporium in Knoxville, TN.
She is a native Knoxvillian holding B.A. and M.S. degrees from the University of Tennessee. She has been a professional writer for 25 years and has been published in numerous national publications as well as being a free-lance journalist for The Knoxville News Sentinel. She is also a public relations consultant.
Being a lifelong horse lover, Kathy decided in 2006 to pursue her dream of opening an equestrian retail store designed to enhance the equestrian lifestyle and thus, The Horse Emporium was born. The 2000 square foot shop is located at 6210 Chapman Highway in Knoxville and serves English and Western riders, catering not only to horse owners but to all who love horses.
Kathy and husband Russell (a building contractor) have two daughters (Candace and Ashley) and enjoy life on their farm with their animals including horses of course!
To cast your vote for Kathy, please go to http://www.horsehavenoftn.com/Dancing.htm!!
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