Eagle came into Horse Haven in 2007, along with several other horses from a horrific neglect situation in Northeast Tennessee. He was a walking skeleton when he arrived. This was a far cry from how Eagle should have ever been treated. He is a 16.2 hand Thoroughbred gelding with stellar bloodlines, but was not a consistent winner on the racetrack. He was rehomed from the racetrack and ended up in the horrible situation from which he was saved by Horse Haven.
Here is a picture of what Eagle looked like after a few weeks of careful re-feeding at Horse Haven:
A volunteer at Horse Haven became very attached to Eagle and somehow knew he was the horse for her. Who could resist such a face?
More than 15 months after Eagle first came to Horse Haven, he was finally released by the court after his previous owner's animal cruelty case resulted in a conviction. Eagle could FINALLY go to his forever home with the volunteer that first felt a connection with him. With good nutrition, he filled out to look like this:
Eagle started out his new career and flourished. After getting into shape and some more training, he went to some horse shows and was a star.
Eagle has been trail-riding and is a great fearless trail horse too. He has also gave cross-country jumping a try and he loves it! Sometimes he may be a little bored with small jumps so he has to jump BIG!

He learned about crossing water for the first time and decided that a cold creek on a hot day is a great thing!
Lately Eagle has been practicing dressage. He always needs something new to challenge his smart Thoroughbred brain. So far, he has succeeded at everything he has tried.
While much of Eagle's life was uncertain and cruel, he now has a happy, lifetime partnership where he is pampered and appreciated. Maybe you can find your "diamond in the rough" at Horse Haven too!